Sperm Donor Requirements
When potential sperm donors apply to the Fairfax Cryobank BeASpermDonor program, they are screened and reviewed thoroughly before acceptance. Accepted donors must meet the basic sperm donor requirements listed below and then pass the screening process at their nearest sperm bank location in Austin, Houston, DC, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and Minneapolis/St. Paul.
Do I meet sperm donor requirements?
Once you apply and pass our initial sperm donor requirements, you will go through the screening process with your local sperm bank team. This includes physical exams, health questionnaires, sperm evaluations, interviews with the staff, etc.
Fairfax Cryobank looks for sperm donors who are motivated to help others! Donors are helping families around the globe and their time and effort in the program are greatly appreciated.
How do I become a sperm donor?
Sperm Bank Requirements

Available for 1-2 hours per week for sperm donation appointments

Sperm Bank Education Requirements
Our diverse sperm donors come from all walks of life from 6 locations across the United States, from ancestry, to religion, to education.
Our sperm donors also come from a wide range of educational backgrounds. From Ph.D. and Master’s students or graduates to current college students or graduates, we see a wide array of sperm donor education backgrounds. Many students appreciate our flexible weekly donation appointments.
For potential sperm donors who are interested in helping others, but don’t have a college degree, we also welcome high school graduates or those with technical or trade certificates. We often meet many first responders who want to give back and earn sperm donor pay, and we invite them into the program as well.