Step 1
Apply Online Now
Fill out our initial application questionnaire to see if you meet our sperm donor requirements.
The team at your nearest sperm bank location will contact you if you are eligible to continue on to donor screening.
Step 2
Sperm Donor Screening Process:
Once you pass the first application round, you’ll meet with our sperm bank near you for donor screening.
You will provide 3-4 semen samples over 3 weeks, complete an on-site interview, physical, and additional screening.

Step 3
Congratulations & Welcome:
After you are accepted into the sperm donor program, you’ll visit 1-2 times a week for donation appointments.
Our team does their best to work around your busy schedule.
Questions about the sperm donation process?
If you have additional questions about the application process, sperm donor screening, the program requirements, or anything else, don’t hesitate to reach out to your local sperm bank team.